Resident Frequently Asked Questions
How many changes of clothing should I have?
Please have between 5 and 7 changes of clothing.
Will I have to pay for toiletry items?
Toiletry items are provided at no charge, however, if you desire certain lotions or powders, it is best to bring your own.
Should I label all my belongings?
Yes, we ask that you label all items with a permanent marker, label or stitching. This will allow services, such as Laundry Service, to better keep track of your belongings.
All articles brought to the facility must be listed on the inventory sheet and properly labeled with resident’s name.
What items will be allowed at bedside?
The following items are allowed at your bedside:
Roll-on deodorant only
Hair adornment items that cannot be swallowed or cause injury
Toothpaste and toothbrush*
Alcohol-free mouthwash
Shaving cream (pump-style) in non-aerosol dispensers*
Electric razors
Lotions or creams in plastic bottles (pump-style)*
Emery boards for nail care
Makeup products*
Cleansing soap (pump-style)
Round tip scissors for crafts
*These items must be put into a zip lock bag and labeled with name and room number.
What items should I not bring?
The below items should not be brought into Wingfield Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center:
Over-the-counter medications
Non-electric razors
Hampers or laundry baskets
Extension cords
Safety razors
Denture cream or denture tablets
Any glass containers
Any aerosol spray cans
Potpourri, other than sachet
Ointment/medications (unless there is a physician’s order)
Shampoo and/or hair conditioners
Hair dryers, curling irons, or other heat producing items
Any container labeled with a “Hazardous Warning”
Anything that has alcohol content
Normal Saline, Hydrogen Peroxide, cough drops
Wax candles with wicks
Cooking equipment
Electric fans (unless there is a physician’s order)
Cleaning supplies
Dirty clothes hamper
Can I decorate my room?
Yes, you may decorate your room, so long as the decorations do not interfere with you upholding the requirements in the Resident’s Responsibilities Policy. Please do not place large nail holes in the walls. If your stay is anticipated to be long-term, please allow our Maintenance Staff to assist with the hanging of large items.
Do not bring in large personal furniture items without approval from our staff.
Should I leave my belongings in my room?
Due to the huge volume of visitors in and out of the facility, we urge visitors to keep valuables in their possession at all times. We are not responsible for the valuables of residents or visitors and strongly encourage residents to send money, credit cards, checkbooks and valuable jewelry home for safekeeping.
Wingfield is not responsible for the safekeeping, or liable for the loss of personal effects, including hearing aids, dentures, money and valuables, unless delivered to the custody of the Administrator, or designated person, for safekeeping.